Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Impact Of Information Technology On Education

Contents Information Technology 3 Impact of information technology on education 5 Information technology in business: 5 References 7 Information Technology Rashid Hussain Sahito (15SBSCS77) Sindh Madressatul Islam University Information Technology Science has played vital role to change the human life entirely in every aspect of the life. It develops so many things to change the behavior and working style of the man. Information technology is one of them and people believe that it provides the shortest way to communicate or for any kind of work in business etc. it is the study of system which is used for retrieving, storing and transferring information. And it can include hardware, software and applications and number of other things. Much of these people are using in this modern era of 21st century was created with the help from information technology. The modern era in which we are living, information technology plays a super role however if someone is not related with the field of information technology he might not know just how the information technology touches his life in so many fields of his interest. Things as common as cars, doors, mobiles uses information technology finance, business, education departments, and ev en the hospitals or healthcares these all have been thanks to information technology. Information technology brings the basic change which is taking place in the natural things and application of technologyShow MoreRelatedTechnology And The Impact Of Information Technology In Education1268 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Today, technology is the need of the day and one of the most discussed subjects of our everyday lives. Face book, Twitter, computers, smart-phones and tablets are some of the words almost everyone recognizes. 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Techne means art, skill, craft, or the way, manner, or means by which a thing is gained. Logos

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