Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Points of View Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Points of View - Essay Example If only we would get fulfillment from the natural resources available to run our daily life then would not be discussing climate change since it would not be happening. Though the harm is done, we still have the chance to correct the mistakes we made and rescue planet Earth. According to scientists, climatic change is natural. To support their claim they pieced together a picture of the Earth’s climate hundreds of thousands of years back and analyzed some indirect measures of climate. For instance ice cores, tree rings and oceanic sediments while also including studies of changes in earth’s orbit around the sun. The climatic system varies over time according to historical records. For instance, climate change experiences happening prior to industrial revolution around 1700 can be explained by natural causes like changes I the solar energy, volcanic eruption and natural changes in the greenhouse. This information is highly reliable as it provides evidence for its stand. The author is credible as well as most of his works including this article give reference to several studies with different opinions (Zedillo, 2008). The greenhouse gas emission is to blame for the global warming the world is experiencing. Human activities produce carbon dioxide that plants absorb by the plants, oceans and soil. Instead, all these move to the atmosphere and thus destroying ozone layer by making it thinner. As a result, harmful sun rays directly hit the earth, and the result is climatic change. Chemicals such as chlorofluorocarbons that spray cans and foam cushions that we use daily contain are to blame. A tree that may have absorbed these gasses is cut without replacement around the world. The human person only thinks of their immediate need and not ignores the effect of their long-term actions. This information is the work of environmental experts with authority in this

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Criminal Law Theft Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Criminal Law Theft - Essay Example An appropriation of property would occur when a person assumes â€Å"the rights of an owner†3 and resorts to â€Å"keeping or dealing with it as an owner.†4 In Ria’s case the actus reus may be established, because (a) the property in question are the cards, because property would include â€Å"money and all other property, real or personal†¦Ã¢â‚¬ 5 (b) they belong to the manger and Sonia respectively, because they facilitate drawing on credit accounts in their respective names and are regulated by the Consumer Credit Act of 19746 (c) Ria has appropriated the cards and used them as if they belonged to her. It may not even be necessary to establish that the taking occurred without the consent of the owners.7 Even a temporary appropriation of property8 or accepting another’s property as a gift can amount to appropriation.9 Where the manager’s card is concerned, Ria cannot argue that because she is also a staff member, she has a right to use the card and is thereby not guilty of theft.10 Ria could try and use the defense of consent, i.e that the manager would have granted consent to use of the card11, but a taking, even with consent, still amounts to an appropriation12 especially if such consent was obtained through fraudulent means.13 In the case of R v Morris14 theft was established when price labels on the products were changed to allow the defendant to purchase the product at a lower price. In this case, Lord Roskill stated that the concept of appropriation also includes â€Å"an act by way of adverse interference with or usurpation† of the owner’s rights.15 This was later disapproved in the case of R v Gomez16 where the House of Lords stated that appropriation can occur even in a case where the owner has consented to allow possession of the property by another, if such consent has been obtained through false representation17. Ria would be criminally liable because it is not only actus reus but also the mens rea which can be